This package serves two purposes:
Introduce a common API for packages that operate on log densities, which for these purposes are black box $\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ mappings. Using the interface of introduced in this package, you can query $n$, evaluate the log density and optionally its gradient, and determine if a particular object supports these methods using traits. This usage is relevant primarily for package developers who write generic algorithms that use (log) densities that correspond to posteriors and likelihoods, eg MCMC, MAP, ML. An example is DynamicHMC.jl. This is documented in the API section.
Make it easier for users who want to perform inference using the above methods (and packages) to
- define their own log densities, either taking a vector of real numbers as input, or extracting and transforming parameters using the TransformVariables.jl package,
- obtain gradients of these log densities using one of the supported automatic differentiation packages of Julia.
This is documented in the next section, with a worked example.
For the purposes of this package, log densities are still valid when shifted by a constant that may be unknown, but is consistent within calls. This is necessary for Bayesian inference, where log posteriors are usually calculated up to a constant. See LogDensityProblems.logdensity
for details.
Working with log density problems
Consider an inference problem where IID draws are obtained from a normal distribution,
\[x_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma)\]
for $i = 1, \dots, N$. It can be shown that the log likelihood conditional on $\mu$ and $\sigma$ is
\[\ell = -N\log \sigma - \sum_{i = 1}^N \frac{(x_i-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} = -N\left( \log \sigma + \frac{S + (\bar{x} - \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} \right)\]
where we have dropped constant terms, and defined the sufficient statistics
\[\bar{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N x_i\]
\[S = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N (x_i - \bar{x})^2\]
Finally, we use priors
\[\mu \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 5), \sigma \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 2)\]
which yield the log prior
\[-\sigma^2/8 - \mu^2/50\]
which is added to the log likelihood to obtain the log posterior.
It is useful to define a callable that implements this, taking some vector x
as an input and calculating the summary statistics, then, when called with a NamedTuple
containing the parameters, evaluating to the log posterior.
using Statistics, SimpleUnPack # imported for our implementation
struct NormalPosterior{T} # contains the summary statistics
# calculate summary statistics from a data vector
function NormalPosterior(x::AbstractVector)
NormalPosterior(length(x), mean(x), var(x; corrected = false))
# define a callable that unpacks parameters, and evaluates the log likelihood
function (problem::NormalPosterior)(θ)
@unpack μ, σ = θ
@unpack N, x̄, S = problem
loglikelihood = -N * (log(σ) + (S + abs2(μ - x̄)) / (2 * abs2(σ)))
logprior = - abs2(σ)/8 - abs2(μ)/50
loglikelihood + logprior
problem = NormalPosterior(randn(100))
Let's try out the posterior calculation:
julia> problem((μ = 0.0, σ = 1.0))
Just evaluating your log density function like above is a great way to test and benchmark your implementation. See the “Performance Tips” section of the Julia manual for optimization advice.
Using the TransformVariables package
In our example, we require $\sigma > 0$, otherwise the problem is meaningless. However, many MCMC samplers prefer to operate on unconstrained spaces $\mathbb{R}^n$. The TransformVariables package was written to transform unconstrained to constrained spaces, and help with the log Jacobian correction (more on that later). That package has detailed documentation, now we just define a transformation from a length 2 vector to a NamedTuple
with fields μ
(unconstrained) and σ > 0
Since version 1.0, TransformedLogDensity has been moved to the package TransformedLogDensities.
julia> using LogDensityProblems, TransformVariables, TransformedLogDensities
julia> ℓ = TransformedLogDensity(as((μ = asℝ, σ = asℝ₊)), problem)
TransformedLogDensity of dimension 2
Then we can query the dimension of this problem, and evaluate the log density:
julia> LogDensityProblems.dimension(ℓ)
julia> LogDensityProblems.logdensity(ℓ, zeros(2))
Before running time-consuming algorithms like MCMC, it is advisable to test and benchmark your log density evaluations separately. The same applies to LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient
and LogDensityProblems.logdensity_gradient_and_hessian
Manual unpacking and transformation
If you prefer to implement the transformation yourself, you just have to define the following three methods for your problem: declare that it can evaluate log densities (but not their gradient, hence the 0
order), allow the dimension of the problem to be queried, and then finally code the density calculation with the transformation. (Note that using TransformedLogDensities.TransformedLogDensity
takes care of all of these for you, as shown above).
function LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{<:NormalPosterior})
LogDensityProblems.dimension(::NormalPosterior) = 2
function LogDensityProblems.logdensity(problem::NormalPosterior, x)
μ, logσ = x
σ = exp(logσ)
problem((μ = μ, σ = σ)) + logσ
julia> LogDensityProblems.logdensity(problem, zeros(2))
Here we use the exponential function to transform from $\mathbb{R}$ to the positive reals, but this requires that we correct the log density with the logarithm of the Jacobian, which here happens to be $\log(\sigma)$.
Automatic differentiation
Using either definition, you can transform to another object which is capable of evaluating the gradient, using automatic differentiation. For this, you need the LogDensityProblemsAD.jl package.
Now observe that we can obtain gradients, too:
julia> import ForwardDiff
julia> using LogDensityProblemsAD
julia> ∇ℓ = ADgradient(:ForwardDiff, ℓ)
ForwardDiff AD wrapper for TransformedLogDensity of dimension 2, w/ chunk size 2
julia> LogDensityProblems.capabilities(∇ℓ)
julia> LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient(∇ℓ, zeros(2))
(-48.60297471151442, [2.8381559225185673, -2.294050576971158])
Before version 2.0, ADgradient
was part of this package. To update older code, just add using LogDensityProblemsAD
Manually calculated derivatives
If you prefer not to use automatic differentiation, you can wrap your own derivatives following the template
function LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{<:NormalPosterior})
LogDensityProblems.LogDensityOrder{1}() # can do gradient
LogDensityProblems.dimension(::NormalPosterior) = 2 # for this problem
function LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient(problem::NormalPosterior, x)
logdens = ...
grad = ...
logdens, grad
If the gradient is a mutable vector (eg Vector
), it should not be reused for another purpose. Practically, each call to LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient
should allocate a new one, or use immutables like StaticArrays.SVector
for small dimensions.
Various utilities
You may find these utilities useful for debugging and optimization.
— Functionstresstest(f, ℓ; N, rng, scale)
Test ℓ
with random values.
random vectors are drawn from a standard multivariate Cauchy distribution, scaled with scale
(which can be a scalar or a conformable vector).
Each random vector x
is then used as an argument in f(ℓ, x)
. logdensity
, logdensity_and_gradient
, and logdensity_gradient_and_hessian
are recommended for f
In case the call produces an error, the value is recorded as a failure, which are returned by the function.
Not exported, but part of the API.
Log densities API
Use the functions below for evaluating gradients and querying their dimension and other information. These symbols are not exported, as they are mostly used by package developers and in any case would need to be import
ed or qualified to add methods to.
— Functioncapabilities(T)
Test if the type (or a value, for convenience) supports the log density interface.
When nothing
is returned, it doesn't support this interface. When LogDensityOrder{K}()
is returned (typically with K == 0
, K = 1
, or K == 2
), derivatives up to order K
are supported. All other return values are invalid.
Interface description
The following methods need to be implemented for the interface:
returns the dimension of the domain,logdensity
evaluates the log density at a given point.logdensity_and_gradient
whenK ≥ 1
whenK ≥ 2
See also LogDensityProblems.stresstest
for stress testing.
— Typestruct LogDensityOrder{K}
A trait that means that a log density supports evaluating derivatives up to order K
Typical values for K
are 0
(just the log density) and 1
(log density and gradient).
— Functiondimension(ℓ)
Dimension of the input vectors x
for log density ℓ
. See logdensity
, logdensity_and_gradient
This function is distinct from TransformedVariables.dimension
— Functionlogdensity(ℓ, x)
Evaluate the log density ℓ
at x
, which has length compatible with its dimension
Return a real number, which may or may not be finite (can also be NaN
). Non-finite values other than -Inf
are invalid but do not error, caller should deal with these appropriately.
Note about constants
Log densities can be shifted by the same constant, as long as it is consistent between calls. For example,
logdensity(::StandardMultivariateNormal) = -0.5 * sum(abs2, x)
is a valid implementation for some callable StandardMultivariateNormal
that would implement the standard multivariate normal distribution (dimension $k$) with pdf
\[(2\pi)^{-k/2} e^{-x'x/2}\]
— Functionlogdensity_and_gradient(ℓ, x)
Evaluate the log density ℓ
and its gradient at x
, which has length compatible with its dimension
Return two values:
the log density as real number, which equivalent to
logdensity(ℓ, x)
if the log density is finite, the gradient, an
of real numbers, otherwise this value is arbitrary and should be ignored.
Caller may assume ownership of results, ie that the gradient vector will not be overwritten or reused for a different purpose.
The first argument (the log density) can be shifted by a constant, see the note for logdensity
— Functionlogdensity_gradient_and_hessian(ℓ, x)
Evaluate the log density ℓ
, its gradient, and Hessian at x
, which has length compatible with its dimension
Return three values:
the log density as real number, which equivalent to
logdensity(ℓ, x)
if the log density is finite, the gradient, an
of real numbers, otherwise this value is arbitrary and should be ignored.if the log density is finite, the Hessian, an
of real numbers, otherwise this value is arbitrary and should be ignored.
Caller may assume ownership of results, ie that the gradient and Hessian will not be overwritten or reused for a different purpose.
The first argument (the log density) can be shifted by a constant, see the note for logdensity